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الموضوع: Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers

  1. #1
    مميز الصورة الرمزية Dr.future
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2008
    في عالمي الخاص الآن
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Icon1 Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers

    Teenagers are at a stage in their lives where they do not want to take anything seriously and the teacher can easily be made to become a figure of ridicule. It takes a brave person indeed to stand in front of a classroom full of rowdy teenagers, not only get their attention but to make them understand difficult subject matter. The irony is that the teacher who is standing in front of them trying to teach them new things isn't the one who needs to be educated. In fact he or she is only trying to make the teens achieve their goals and learn new skills so that their lives will be more productive and fulfilled. By being proactive in the classroom and responding to what the teacher expects of you is a good way to make these learning years productive and enjoyable for both the teacher and the students.

    Sometimes even if 80% of the class is trying to concentrate there is always that remaining 20% that wants to cause a bit of drama and distraction. A teacher has to continue teaching despite distractions and misbehaviour because that is their job and they have to do it to the best of their abilities.This determination and strength has to be admired and respected. They have a duty to do and have to perform it regardless of how they are perceived. To help them achieve this is to make a group decision by students to stand firm against disruptions in the classroom. When the majority of the class is supporting the teacher the rest will have no choice but to join in too.

    In addition the school results have to be good enough to maintain the standard of the school or the teachers and their teaching methods will be criticised. Also they have to make sure that the syllabus required in the school curriculum is completed in the academic year so that the students have the required information to sit for their examinations. To fulfil this duty in the best possible way students need to provide an environment for the teachers in which they feel both relaxed and comfortable and can teach to the best of their abilities so that the result is beneficial for both students and the teachers. Handing assignments on time, making sure that everything being taught is being understood and using the teachers help whenever needed will benefit everyone.

    Teachers have a responsibility not only for each individual student that makes up a classroom but to society in which these individuals will enter as working men and women at a later stage in their lives. Parents look to teachers to make sure their children receive adequate education and they look for feedback from them to find out how their teen is faring at school. Behavioural problems need to be tackled and the teacher has to be both a teacher and a counsellor sometimes to resolve problems that might come up during the school years.

    If teenagers look at the huge responsibility teachers have on their shoulders there is no reason why they should not respect and admire them for the job that they are doing. Giving praise to their teachers, giving them thank you cards, a gift or flowers at the end of the academic year will be tokens of appreciation that will make a huge difference to the teachers who have spent so much time and effort to impart of their knowledge. Teachers who teach well and with love and understanding and give individual attention to all their students without favouritism will earn the love and respect of any student. They will be remembered not just in the student years but throughout the person's life.

    كل عام وانتم بخير

  2. #2
    انجليزي جديد الصورة الرمزية mooleymoon
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Aug 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers

    nice critical topic

    sometime it could be hard to manage a teenage classroom

    but it totally depends on the teachers personality

    استغفر الله العظيم الذي لا إله إلا هو الحي القيوم وأتوب إليه

  3. #3
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2005
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers

    Dr. future

    so important topic
    thanks alot for every single word

  4. #4
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية أميرة بأخلاقها@
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers

    precious topic

    It's a hard work to treat with teens but you can gain their respects when you respect them and vice versa

    I appreciated you my brother

    Thanks for sharing us

    May Allah enlighten your life

    Accept my passing

  5. #5
    شخصية بارزة الصورة الرمزية BloumagrieT
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2004
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers


    To deal with teenagers demands patience

    A teacher should endure every circumstance they face

    Some teenagers surprise you with their actions and behaivour

    as if they are testing your reactions

    Controlling a classroom depends on A teacher and

    his/her reactions towards the students

    A clever teacher needs to attracts their attention

    by using new methods and creating an exciting environment

    and make use of their energy and not waste it .

    Thanks big brother

    for copying such a great topic

    [GRADE="C0C0C0 FF1493 000000"].

    [GRADE="808080 DC143C 808080"]^.^[/GRADE]


    " اللهم استعملني في طاعتك "


    أستغفر الله العظيم التواب الرحيم لذنبي
    وللمسلمين والمسلمات و المؤمنين والمؤمنات
    الأحياء منهم والأموات إلى يوم الدين

  6. #6
    مميز الصورة الرمزية Dr.future
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2008
    في عالمي الخاص الآن
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة mooleymoon مشاهدة المشاركة
    nice critical topic

    sometime it could be hard to manage a teenage classroom

    but it totally depends on the teachers personality
    Hi there

    yep, it is hard but using some new strategies will help to
    reduce the gap which between the student and his/her teacher.

    thanx a lot mooleymoon for passing by


    كل عام وانتم بخير

  7. #7
    مميز الصورة الرمزية Dr.future
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2008
    في عالمي الخاص الآن
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة lamia مشاهدة المشاركة
    Dr. future

    so important topic
    thanks alot for every single word
    Thank you so much for passing by

    كل عام وانتم بخير

  8. #8
    مميز الصورة الرمزية Dr.future
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2008
    في عالمي الخاص الآن
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة أميرة بأخلاقها@ مشاهدة المشاركة
    precious topic

    It's a hard work to treat with teens but you can gain their respects when you respect them and vice versa

    I appreciated you my brother

    Thanks for sharing us

    May Allah enlighten your life

    Accept my passing
    Oh yeah...That's true

    Respect has to be always there , otherwise no more education.

    best wishes my sister

    كل عام وانتم بخير

  9. #9
    مميز الصورة الرمزية Dr.future
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2008
    في عالمي الخاص الآن
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد : Teens: How to show respect & admiration for teachers

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة SoOoSoOo مشاهدة المشاركة


    To deal with teenagers demands patience

    A teacher should endure every circumstance they face

    Some teenagers surprise you with their actions and behaivour

    as if they are testing your reactions

    Controlling a classroom depends on A teacher and

    his/her reactions towards the students

    A clever teacher needs to attracts their attention

    by using new methods and creating an exciting environment

    and make use of their energy and not waste it .

    Thanks big brother

    for copying such a great topic

    [GRADE="C0C0C0 FF1493 000000"].

    [GRADE="808080 DC143C 808080"]^.^[/GRADE]

    That's the point ...

    I appreciate your reply my sister

    Thank you for your passing by
    your lovely comment.

    best wishes

    كل عام وانتم بخير


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