ياليت تساعدوني كنت اقرا اسأله للتوفل ومر علي كم سؤال ماعرفت اجاوب عليهم
ياليت اذا تقدرون تحلونهم وتوضحون ليه حليتو كذا ..

The first inhabitants of the territories............Canada came across the Bering
Strait and along the edge of the Arctic ice.

(A)make up that now
(B)make up now that
(C) that make up now
(D) that now make up


In addition to>....... a place where
business deals are made, a stock exchange collects statistics, publishes price quotations, and sets rules and standards for trading.
(A) being
(B) it is
(C) that which
(D) where is