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الموضوع: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

  1. #26
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    سلام معليش ابغا ترجمتها انجليزي

  2. #27
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    والله خاب املي مررررررررررة

  3. #28
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2011
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    وأنــآ بعد آريد ترجه لذا آلفقرهـ ...

    قال :
    [ إن العالم يفسح الطريق للمرء الذي يعلم إلى أين هو ذاهب ]
    رالف و.أمرسون

    جميلة تلك المقولة .. لكن الأجمل منها ان نكون يوما ذلك الشخص الذي يفسح له العالم الطريق ، لأنه يعرف إلى أين هو ذاهب ..
    قالت لي معلمتي يوماً .. " يا ابنتي : الطريق إلى النجاح سهل وصعب ، وليس دائماً مفروش بالورد " .
    فعلا ً .. ندرك تماما لذة النجاح وطعمه الجميل ، إنما لازلنا نذكر تلك الأيام والليالي التي قضياناها نصارع من أجل الوصول إلى هذا النجاح ..

    (النجاح )...!!

    كلمة نستوحي منها لقاءات متعدده .. تذكرنا بأشخاص كُــثر كان لهم بصمة في طريق النجاح .. أشخاص صنعوا أهدافا وبحثوا عن الطريق إليها ووصلوا ..
    همتهم تناطح الجبال .. إرادتهم فذة .. وعزيمتهم تفتت الصخر ..
    أُنشد من خلال هذه اللقاءات أن أسلط الضوء على نجاحاتهم ، وأن نأخذ أكبر قدر من الفائدة من تجاربهم ..
    حتى تكون تلك التجارب .. دليلاً حين تأخذنا الحياة إلى تجاربها ..
    وحتى يكونوا .. قدوة .. نسير على خطاهم ....

    برنامج رحلة مع ناجح..
    كونوا معنا..

  4. #29
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    ممكن بليز احدد يصحح لي القرامر مستيكس بالترجمه الانجليزيه
    و نحيطكم علما بانه لن يتم صرف اية مبالغ ماليه الا بعد استكمال الاكتاف علما انها مشموله بالتعاقد و مدرجه بالمخططات التعاقديه
    Kindly be advised/informed that any finance amount will not be paid until the ------------is completed, noting that it is included in contract listed (or quoted ) with the contractual schemes.

  5. #30
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    بليز احد يصحح لي القرامر بالترجمه الانقليزيه
    الله يوفقكم
    بالمتر الطولي توريد و تركيب سور من الخرسانه السابقة الصب بارتفاع قدره 3000 متر من سطح بلاط الرصيف و سمك الشريحه لايقل عن 12 سم و كثافة تسليح لا تقل عن 260 كجم/م3 , ويتم تنفيذ جزء من البلاطه الخرسانيه بالساند بلاست لزوم تحقيق الشكل المعماري المطلوب بحيث يتم تقديم رسومات تنفيذيه للسور من قبل المقابل معده من قبل الشركات المتخصصه لاعتماد احدها من قبل ادارة المشاريع بالجامعه ومحمل على البند كافة التشطيبات المطلوبه و جميع مايلزم لاتمام العمل طبقا للشروط و المواصفات الفنيه و تعليمات المهندس المشرف

    1. In a linear-meter-import and erect of boundary walls of precast, at a height of 3000meters panel,---width is not less than 12cm, Intensities of Reinforcement is not less than 260 kg/m3,and a part of concrete slab ,it will be implemented by sandblast for the necessity of making(desighn) the required architectural form, so that they submit(present) shop drawings for the boundary wall by the contractor implemented by specialized companies to approve one of them by project management in the university, all required finishes is carried on the clause , and all what is necessary to finish (complete)the work according to the conditions and Technical specification
    And the direction of the supervisor engineering

  6. #31
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    السلام عليكم ....
    بالبداية احب اشكر جميع اعضاء المنتدى واسال الله لهم التوفيق والسداد .... كما اهنأكم على تعاونكم وتكاتفكم.....
    احب اقولكم اني راح اسوي اذاعة انجليزية عن العسل وفوائده ... ف بنزل المواضيع ... واللي يستطيع ترجمتها ... اكون شاكرة ومقدرة ..... دمتم بـ ود,,,,
    يمنع وضع اكثر من صورة او صور نسائية او صور ذات حجم كبير
    يمنع وضع روابط لمواقع ومنتديات أخرى
    يمنع وضع روابط الاغاني
    يمنع وضع البريد الالكتروني

  7. #32
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته ..

    الحمد الله الذي بعث رسوله بالهدى ودين الحق والصلاة والسلام على إمام المرسلين المبعوث رحمه للعالمين والآن لنستمع للتلاوة العطرة والطالبة : ...............................
    سوره النحل اية 69 صفحه
    أما الآن حديث شريف والطالبة :....................................
    حديث عن أبي هريرة رضي الله عنه : (( من لعق ثلاث غدوات كل شهر لم يصبه عظيم بلاء )).
    معا لنسمع إلى الموضوع والطالبة :......................................
    العسل ..
    توجد في العسل فيتامينات قد تكون هي كل ما يحتاجها الإنسان ومن هذه الفيتامينات : أ , ب1 , ب2 , ب3 , د , ك , و , هـ ... وهذه الفيتامينات أقوى وانقي الفيتامينات التي يحتاجه الجسم ويمتصها بسهوله .وتوجد كل المعادن والأملاح في العسل كالحديد والكبريت والفسفور و الكالسيوم واليود والصوديوم والكلور والنحاس وال...ل والرصاص والقصدير .
    والعجيب أن هذه مكونات التراب الذي خلق منه الإنسان .
    ويوجد بالعسل هرمونات قويه منشطه فعاله بها مضادات حيوية تقي الإنسان من كافه الأمراض واكتشف أن بالعسل ماده مضادة للسرطان .
    والآن الأمراض التي يعالجها العسل والطالبة : ................................
    الأمراض التي يعالجها العسل:
    1- الحساسية
    2- الجروح و الحروق
    3- للصرع
    4- للأمراض النفسية
    5- للامساك
    6- الأنفلونزا
    7- للأورام الخبيثة
    8- السل الرئوي
    9- لضغط القلب
    10- للثعلبة
    11- للعقم
    12- للسرطان
    13- لجميع أمراض الكبد
    14- للبرص والبهاق
    15- للحصوه الكلوية
    16- لالتهاب الفم وأورام اللسان
    17- لعلاج الأرق
    18- لجمال المراه وبهاء الوجه
    يمنع وضع اكثر من صورة او صور نسائية او صور ذات حجم كبير
    يمنع وضع روابط لمواقع ومنتديات أخرى
    يمنع وضع روابط الاغاني
    يمنع وضع البريد الالكتروني

  8. #33
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2012
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    سلااام كيفك اريد ترجمه هذا النص الى العربيه

    Venezuela bids farewell to Chavez as an era ends
    The flag-draped coffin of Venezuelan leader Hugo Chavez was borne through throngs of weeping supporters on Wednesday as a nation bade farewell to the firebrand leftist who led them for 14 years.

    His mother Elena wept over his wooden casket as a band played the national anthem outside his military hospital. Presidential guards with red berets then placed his remains on top of a black hearse, surrounded by flowers.

    Chavez’s hand-picked successor, Vice President Nicolas Maduro, walked alongside the car through dense crowds, wearing a somber expression and a striking outfit in the color of the national flag.

    Chavez’ death after a two-year struggle with cancer was a blow to his adoring supporters and the alliance of left-wing Latin American powers, and plunged his oil-rich country into uncertainty as an election is organized.

    His body, surrounded by soldiers, was being taken to the military academy that the former paratrooper colonel once called a second home, where he will lie in state until an official ceremony with foreign dignitaries on Friday.

    People watched from their apartment windows, others climbed fences to get a better view of the hearse, many held or wore iconic images of Chavez.

    The 58-year-old leader succumbed to a respiratory infection on Tuesday. A new election is due to be called within what are sure to be 30 tense days.


  9. #34
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2013
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Stop رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    ترجمة الى عربي

    Abū Naṣr al-Fārābī Abū Naṣr Muḥammad al-Fārābī; for other recorded variants of his name see below) known in the West as Alpharabius (c. 872 – between 14 December, 950 and 12 January, 951), was a Muslim polymath and one of the greatest scientists and philosophers of the Islamic world in his time. He was also a cosmologist, logician, musician, psychologist and sociologist.

    Al-Farabi spent almost his entire life in Baghdad, capital of Abbasids that ruled the Islamic world. In the auto-biographical passage about the appearance of philosophy preserved by Ibn Abī Uṣaibia, Farabi has stated that he had studied logic with Yūḥannā b. Ḥaylān up to and including Aristotle’s Posterior Analytics, i.e., according to the order of the books studied in the curriculum, Fārābī said that he studied Porphyry’s Eisagoge and Aristotle’s Categories, De Interpretatione, Prior and Posterior Analytics. His teacher, Yūḥannā b. Ḥaylān, was a Christian cleric who abandoned lay interests and engaged in his ecclesiastical duties, as Fārābī reports. His studies of Aristotelian logic with Yūḥannā in all probability took place in Baghdad, where Al-Masudi tells us Yūḥannā died during the caliphate of al-Moqtader (295-320/908-32). He was in Baghdad at least until the end of September 942 as we learn from notes in some manuscripts of his Mabāde ārā ahl al-madīna al-fāżela, he had started to compose the book in Baghdad at that time and then left and went to Syria. He finished the book in Damascus the following year (331), i.e., by September 943). He also lived and taught for some time in Aleppo. Later on Farabi visited Egypt; and complete six sections summarizing the book Mabāde in Egypt in 337/July 948-June 949. He returned from Egypt to Syria. Al-Masudi writing writing barely five years after the fact (955-6, the date of the composition of the Tanbīh), says that he died in Damascus in Rajab 339 (between 14 December 950 and 12 January 951). In Syria, he was supported and glorified by Saif ad-Daula, the Hamdanid ruler of Syria.
    Although his writings on Jewish law and ethics met with respectful opposition during his life, he was posthumously acknowledged to be one of the foremost rabbinical arbiters and philosophers in Jewish history, his copious work a cornerstone of Jewish scholarship.
    His fourteen-volume Mishneh Torah still carries canonical authority as a codification of Talmudic law. In the Yeshiva world he is known as "Hanesher Hagadol" (the great eagle) in recognition of his outstanding status as a bona fide exponent of the Oral Torah, particularly on account of the manner in which his Mishnah Torah is elucidated by Chaim Soloveitchik.

  10. #35
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2012
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    depression (BDI scores), Harris and Curtin (2002)
    found three other factors not identified by Schmidt
    et al. (1995) to be predictors. These were Insufficient
    Self-Control, Incompetence/Inferiority and Vulnerability.
    Both regression analyses were conducted on
    student populations, which subsequently raised the
    question as to the extent to which the student
    populations were comparable.
    Harris and Curtin (2002) provided a breakdown of
    the distribution of BDI-II scores in their studies, but
    unfortunately the BDI scores distribution of the
    Schmidt et al. (1995) study was not reported,
    therefore this comparison was unable to be made.
    Harris and Curtin (2002) noted that the use of the
    BDI-II in their study and the use of the BDI by
    Schmidt et al. (1995) might be responsible for the
    difference. The BDI-II asks respondents to rate their
    symptoms over the past 2 weeks as opposed to a oneweek
    period required by the BDI. Additionally,
    Harris and Curtin (2002) noted that some of the
    questions regarding somatic concern and work
    difficulty used in the BDI had been replaced by
    cognitive questions relating to worthlessness and
    concentration difficulties.
    It is possible that the Harris and Curtin (2002) use of
    the BDI-II, which contained a number of cognitive
    questions regarding depression, may have inflated the
    correlations with the cognitively based YSQ. Additionally,
    there was a possibility that given the use of stepwise
    regression with a large number of independent variables,
    the Type I error rate could have been high.
    Decisions within the stepwise multiple regression
    techniques are made based on small differences in
    statistics. Thus, this technique may be prone to
    misinterpretation of chance differences within a sample
    (Tabachnick & Fidell, 1996). It is therefore suggested
    that future research on predictive validity utilise the BDI
    in order to compare results to those of Schmidt et al.
    (1995), and utilise standard linear regression to reduce
    the possibility of a high Type I error rate. To date the
    YSQ-SF has not received as much attention within the
    literature in terms of its psychometric properties.
    Overview of the development of 75-item
    Due to the length of the YSQ-LF, it is timeconsuming
    to administer. The YSQ-LF can take
    up to 60 minutes to complete. It has also been
    suggested that compliance and the accuracy of
    completion are problematic for questionnaires of
    this length (Waller, Meyer, & Ohanian, 2001). For
    this reason, Young (1998) constructed the 75-item
    YSQ-SF to address the above problems. The YSQSF
    is currently available online at http://www.
    schematherapy.com/id54.htm The 75 items are a
    subset of the original 205 items and have been
    chosen to reflect the 15 EMS identified by the
    Schmidt et al. (1995) PCA in a clinical population.
    Each of the 15 factors has five questions devoted to
    them. These items were selected on the basis that
    they possessed the highest factor loading scores
    (Schmidt et al., 1995, cited in Waller et al., 2001).
    However, limited research exists on the psychometric
    properties of the YSQ-SF.
    Factor analysis of YSQ-SF
    The first published factor analysis (PCA with
    varimax rotation) of the YSQ-SF was completed by
    Welburn et al. (2002). They used a 203 patient
    psychiatric sample admitted to a day-treatment
    program. The sample size and population type were
    similar to that utilised in the Schmidt et al. analysis of
    the YSQ-LF (1995). There was some disturbance of
    the factors, namely item 50 loaded on Failure to
    Achieve and Abandonment as opposed to Subjugation.
    Item 35 loaded on Self-Sacrifice and Insufficient
    Self-Control rather than Dependence, item 46
    was cross-loaded on Self-Sacrifice and Enmeshment
    as opposed to Subjugation, and item 38 had no
    significant loadings although, theoretically, it
    should have loaded on Dependence. The authors
    referred these disruptions back to the Young (1990)
    model and examined the face validity of the
    particular item. Overall, Welburn et al. (2002)
    concluded that the factor structure of the YSQ-SF
    for use with a clinical population was sound and
    was not sufficiently discrepant from the theorised
    structure to warrant revision.
    Calvete, Estevez, Lopez de Arroyabe, and Ruiz
    (2005) conducted a confirmatory factor analysis
    (CFA) of the Spanish version of the YSQ-SF. The
    15-factor model was deemed to be a good fit to the
    data. In a second analysis, the five higher-order
    domains proposed by Young (1999) were not
    supported. The results indicated a three-factor
    solution as a better fit for these higher-order domains.
    An exploratory factor analysis conducted by Baranoff,
    Oei, Kwon, and Cho (2006) on a sample size of
    415 South Korean students suggested the removal of
    the Dependence/Incompetence schema, the Enmeshment
    schema and item 66, which was an item in the
    Entitlement schema for this non-Western student
    population. Subsequently, Baranoff et al. (2006)
    performed a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) on a
    Korean student sample of 418 and a separate sample
    of 271 Australian students. In both samples, the
    13-factor model derived from the exploratory factor
    analysis provided a better fit than the original 15-factor
    model. Modification indices did not suggest the
    removal of further items due to cross-loadings. This
    provides some evidence for the use of a modified
    13-factor model for student populations.
    Young Schema Questionnaire 83
    Internal consistency of YSQ-SF
    Cronbach’s alpha is a statistic used to determine the
    internal consistency of a scale and, as such, forms
    part of the reliability information. The alpha level for
    the overall YSQ-SF in a sample of female subjects
    with eating disorders used by Waller et al. (2001) was
    .96 and the non-clinical group included in the same
    study had an alpha of .92. Each of the subscales had
    an alpha 4.8 for the combined sample, and because
    it is above .7, it is an acceptable alpha to suggest
    internal consistency according to Nunnally (1978).
    Additionally, there was no discernible pattern of
    alpha scores between the long and short forms of the
    YSQ. This indicates that the short form of the scale
    possesses good internal consistency. However, individual
    alpha levels were not reported in Waller
    et al.’s study. In a study conducted by Stopa,
    Thorne, Waters, and Preston (2001), individual
    subscale scores were reported. All 15 scales had
    alphas 4.7 with 10 of the subscales above .8.
    The only scale that did not have a Cronbach’s alpha
    value 4.7 was the factor representing the Dependence
    The Cronbach’s alpha for the study conducted by
    Baranoff et al. (2006), using a South Korean student
    population was high (.94). The Cronbach’s alpha for
    the Australian sample (Baranoff et al., 2006) was also
    high (.96).
    Discriminative validity of YSQ-SF
    Waller et al. (2001) analysed the discriminative
    validity of both the YSQ-LF and the YSQ-SF using
    a sample of 60 women who met the DSM-IV criteria
    for bulimia and 60 women who had no known
    psychiatric diagnosis. Both the long and short forms
    produced a significant discriminant function. The
    YSQ-SF produced positive effects at the significance
    level for Defectiveness and Insufficient Self-Control
    whereas the YSQ-LF produced positive effects for
    Defectiveness, Insufficient Self-Control and a negative
    effect at the significance level for Entitlement.
    The false-positive rate (non-clinical women assigned
    to the bulimic group) for the discriminant analysis
    was 7%, in contrast to 10% for the long form. The
    false-negative rate (bulimic women assigned to the
    non-clinical group) for the short form was 18% as
    opposed to 12% for the long form. Waller et al.
    (2001) commented that the long form could be
    described as less ‘‘pessimistic’’ than the short form.
    From these results, the short form produced a slightly
    more conservative result when distinguishing between
    a bulimic group and a non-clinical group,
    although the difference was small. Based on this
    finding, it would appear that the long and short forms
    of the YSQ have similar levels of discriminant validity.
    Predictive validity of YSQ-SF
    Waller et al. (2001) conducted multiple regressions
    on their sample of 60 women who met the criteria for
    bulimia. On the YSQ-LF, a significant effect was
    found for the overall scale score and the frequency of
    bingeing. The predictive power described for the
    YSQ-SF was also significant and was indeed similar
    in order of magnitude. Both the YSQ-LF and YSQSF
    identified Emotional Inhibition as a significant
    predictor of bingeing behaviour. This finding was not
    mirrored for the prediction of vomiting behaviour. In
    the long form alone, Defectiveness and lowered
    levels of the Subjugation schema significantly predicted
    vomiting behaviour based on the results of a
    multiple regression. There was no significant predictor
    identified in the multiple regression conducted
    on the YSQ-SF. In addition, the factors that were
    close to reaching significance were different to those
    identified in the YSQ-LF, namely Emotional Inhibition,
    Vulnerability to Harm and Failure to Achieve.
    This result was obtained from a sample of women
    with eating disorders, thus the generalisability of this
    finding to male subjects is unclear.
    In addition to their factor analysis on a psychiatric
    patient sample of 202 (98% had received at least an
    Axis I diagnosis and 36% a diagnosis of at least one
    Axis II disorder), Welburn et al. (2002) tested the
    predictive validity of the YSQ-SF using multiple
    regressions to predict depression. In contrast to
    Schmidt et al. (1995), who used BDI scores and
    Harris and Curtin (2002), who used BDI-II scores as
    measures of depression, Welburn et al. (2002) opted
    to use the depression scale within the Brief Symptom
    Inventory (BSI; Derogatis, 1993). The YSQ-SF
    accounted for a significant proportion of the variance
    of depression as measured by the BSI (47%). Of the
    15 subscales, two scales contributed unique variance
    to the prediction of depression. These were: the
    Abandonment subscale, which accounted for 12.5%
    of the variance; and the Insufficient Self-Control
    subscale, which accounted for 5.5% of the unique
    variance of depression. The finding that Insufficient
    Self-Control was a significant unique predictor of
    depression supports the finding of Glaser et al.
    (2002), who used the YSQ-SF on a clinical sample
    and that of Harris and Curtin (2002), who utilised
    a student sample that completed the YSQ-LF.
    Welburn et al. (2002) noted that conceptually there
    may be some overlap between the Insufficient Self-
    Control schema and the symptoms of depression
    such as lack of energy and motivation.
    Glaser et al. (2002) used a sample of 188
    outpatients who were receiving psychotherapy treatment
    at a university-based training center to perform
    a multiple linear regression analysis. The use of this
    statistical procedure is a more conservative approach
    84 T. P. S. Oei & J. Baranoff
    in determining predictive validity as opposed to
    stepwise regression, because it reduces the Type I
    error rate. Glaser et al. (2002) found that 54% of the
    variance in BDI scores could be accounted for by
    YSQ-SF scores. This is in contrast to Schmidt et al.
    (1995), who found that 33% of BDI scores were
    accounted for by YSQ-LF scores. In addition, Glaser
    et al. (2002) found that the Abandonment/Instability
    subscale contributed to the total variance at a level
    significantly above that of the remaining 14 subscales.
    The differences between the Schmidt et al.
    (1995) and the Glaser et al. (2002) predictive
    validity, assuming the samples are similar, may
    reflect the difference in internal consistency and
    validity between the YSQ-LF and YSQ-SF. Alternatively,
    the differences may be attributable to the
    different statistical analyses used: Schmidt et al.
    (1995) used the stepwise regression procedure and
    Glaser et al. (2002) used multiple linear regression.
    A limitation of the Glaser et al. (2002) study was
    the small sample size. Additionally, Glaser et al.
    (2002) commented that the homogeneity of their
    sample limits the external validity of the findings.
    They suggested that future research should be
    conducted with different races and ethnicities as
    well as factors such as intelligence, education levels
    and socioeconomic status. A summary of previous
    research on the predictive validity of the YSQ-LF
    and YSQ-SF for depression can be seen in Table II.
    A recent study conducted by Baranoff et al. (2006)
    assessed the predictive validity of the Australian
    sample using BDI scores as the criterion. In that
    study, 44% of the variance of BDI scores was
    accounted for by YSQ-SF scores. Scores on Insufficient
    Self-Control, Failure to Achieve and Social
    Isolation were the only significant predictors of BDI
    scores. It should be noted that the schemas identified
    through research as relevant to depression, that
    is, Dependency, Defectiveness, Incompetence/
    Inferiority, Vulnerability and Abandonment, were
    found not to be significant predictors. Further
    research is required to determine whether the same
    schemas are reliably predictive within the same
    population groups. This will require some consistency
    in terms of the measures of depression and the
    statistical procedures used.
    The theory underpinning schemas and the impact
    they have on behaviour, thoughts and feelings
    emerged with the Beck (1967) cognitive theory of
    depression. Young’s Schema Questionnaire, the
    YSQ-LF, is the first attempt at establishing measurement
    of schemas. The questionnaire was clinically
    derived and as such, was designed to include
    clinically relevant EMS. It has undergone a degree
    of psychometric scrutiny and has demonstrated
    sound properties. The structure of the YSQ-LF has
    been refined through factor analytic work. However,
    the factors have not been reliably replicated (Table I).
    A short form of the questionnaire, the YSQ-SF,
    was constructed by selecting the five highest loading
    questions for each schema. This was based on factor
    analysis conducted by Schmidt et al. (1995) in a
    clinical population. The YSQ-SF has been shown to
    be robust in a Western clinical population. However,
    a recent study (Baranoff et al., 2006) found that a 13-
    factor solution may provide a better fit than the
    original 15 in a student population. The Baranoff
    et al. (2006) study also found high internal consistency
    among both the Western and non-Western
    student groups. The YSQ-SF accounted for 44% of
    the variance of BDI scores. However, only the
    schemas of Insufficient Self-Control, Failure to
    Achieve and Social Isolation significantly predicted
    depression scores as measured by the BDI. The YSQ
    has been translated to a number ofWestern and non-
    Western languages and additional translations are
    likely to be performed. Furthermore, it is important
    to understand whether the YSQ factor structure in
    general is stable and maintains its psychometric
    properties across diverse populations.
    Table II. Summary of predictive validity (using Regression Analysis) of the YSQ
    Unique and/ or
    significant predictors
    Percent of
    Measure Regression Type
    Schmidt et al. (1995) Dependency 27
    Defectiveness 6
    33 BDI Stepwise multiple
    Long form
    Harris and Curtin (2002) Defectiveness/Shame
    Insufficient Self-Control
    63.3 BDI-II Stepwise Multiple
    Long form
    Welburn et al. (2002) Abandonment 12.5
    Insufficient Self-Control 5.5
    47 Depression
    scale of BSI
    Multiple Linear
    Short form
    Glasser et al. (2002) Abandonment 54 BDI Multiple linear
    Short form
    Baranoff et al. (2006) Insufficient Self-Control,
    Failure and Social Isolation
    44 BDI Multiple Linear
    Short form

  11. #36
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2012
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    السلام عليكم
    ممكن مساعدتي في ترجمة هذه الأوراق

  12. #37
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2013
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
    ممكن ترجمة لهذا النص

    ..يحتوي على العديد من الاقتباسات الرائعه
    مليئة بالحِكم والتفاؤل والطموح والثقة بالنفس و تطور الذات و عبارة عن اقتباسات إيجابيَّة و مقتطفات تجعل حياتك اجمل
    و التي تحفز الانسان على مواجهة الصعوبات في الحياة و عدم الاستسلام
    و ان نكسر كل حاجز يمنعنا من تحقيق احلامنا..
    لا يمُلّ منه ومن الداخل يجعل الشخص يكمل القراءة بإستمتاع

    لقد اعتدت ان أقراه كل صباح لـ ابدأ يومي بعبارات محفزة لانقض على تحديات يومي بلا خوف من المحبطات و العوائق التي تواجهني

    و شكراا
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة mah00y ; 12-04-2013 الساعة 03:55 PM

  13. #38
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2013
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    اريد المساعده

  14. #39
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2012
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    السلام عليكم على كل الموجين والموجودات عندي استشارة في ترجمة قصيدة بمناسبة تخرج بناتي وحابة اترجم هين المقطعين واضيفها في انشودة التخرج فارجة تصحيح الترجمة لو كان فيها خطأ ورزقكم الله جبال بيضاء من الحسنات
    ياديرة فيها ربيت ولفضلها لا مانسيت
    مهما بذلت وقد عطيت قليل في حق ديرتي
    يوم التخرج فرحتي تمزج دموعي بسمتي
    بحضور مضدر همتي أهلى وناسي وعزوتي
    oh deria where educated but virtues don`t forget
    whatever has been made attiyt few in my deriaty right

    graduation day is my joy my smile blends tears
    the presence is my concern source my family,my people and my tribes
    وتسلموا فبل الرد

  15. #40
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2013
    in moroco
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    أتمنى لكم التوفيق كلكم يا رب

  16. #41
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2013
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

  17. #42
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2012
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    فكره رائعه والله يجزاك خير

  18. #43
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    Life has change a lot . There are a lot of entertainmant technology, and the result is one of the most problems all over the word which is low acadmic level of studnet .

    The main cause of low acadmic level of studnet+ is entertainment technology they forgotten study , another causes of low acadmic level of student is the parents doesn't care for their children.

    There are alot of bad result of low Acadmic level of student+ for exmple, low in social development another result is weak community unable in progress

    Finally, low academic level of student is avery dangerous problem and we must stop her and find asolve to this problem because, education is our present and futer.

    الحياة تغيرت هناك الكثير من وسائل الترفيه التكنولوجيه والنتجيه مشكله من المشكلات في العالم+ وهي تدني مستوى الطلاب

    السبب الرئيسي في تدني مستوى الطلاب هو+ انشغالهم في وسائل الترفيه التكنولوجية مما ادى الى اهمال دراستهم سبب اخر وهو عدم اهتمام الوالدين

    هنالك الكثير من النتائج السيئة لضعف مستوى الطلاب مثلا ضعف المجتمع وسبب اخر وهو ضعف في التطور الاجتماعي

    اخيرا مشكلة تدني مستوى الطلاب هي مشكله خطيرة ويجب علينا ايقافها وايجاد حل لهذه المشكله لان التعليم هو حاضرنا ومستقبلنا

    هل المقال صحيح بالانجليزي؟
    اليوزر مشترك

  19. #44
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2013
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

  20. #45
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2009
    Saudi Arabia
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    أتمنى مساعدتي في إيجاد أكثر من ترجمة للعنوان التالي ليتسنى لنا اختيار أفضل ترجمة

    علماً أنه عنوان بحث ماجستير باللغة الانجليزية

    العنوان المطلوب ترجمته هو:

    "إدراك مديري التعليم العام لمستوى تمكينهم وعلاقته بالمتغيرات الشخصية والتنظيمية"
    كلمة (تمكين ) هنا المقصود بها (صلاحيات المدير)[/CENTER][/SIZE]


    ولكم أصدق الدعوات بظهر الغيب

  21. #46
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2013
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    السلام عليكم
    ابغى ترجمة هذا المقطع

    . Manage Accounts Receivable
    Be courteous, but firm with customers. Most small businesses
    do not have the cash flow that allows the luxury of providing lines of credit to their customers. Track accounts receivables closely, and follow-up on past due accounts.

  22. #47
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2012
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    الله يعافيك ابيك تترجمين القطعه الاستاذه طالبتها منا
    headaches, especially those towards the back of the head , can be caused by eyestrain and one of the first things to check is the eyesight. hypermetropia (long sightedness) and astigmatism are the defects most likely to cause headaches . sinusitis is another common cause of pains in the head .

  23. #48
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Dec 2012
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    اقتباس المشاركة الأصلية كتبت بواسطة ابتسامه جذابه مشاهدة المشاركة
    الله يعافيك ابيك تترجمين القطعه الاستاذه طالبتها منا
    headaches, especially those towards the back of the head , can be caused by eyestrain and one of the first things to check is the eyesight. hypermetropia (long sightedness) and astigmatism are the defects most likely to cause headaches . sinusitis is another common cause of pains in the head .

    الصداع، هو بالذات ذلك الجزء الخلفي من الرأس، ومن المحتمل أن يكون سببه إجهاد العين واحد الامور للتحقق من ذلك هو البصر. ان مد البصر (بعد النظر الطويل) والاستكماتيزم هما الأكثر احتمالا أن تسببان الصداع. وكذلك التهاب الجيوب الأنفية هو سبب اخر منتشر من الام الرأس .

    ان شاء الله اكون افدتك

  24. #49
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2010
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    language teacher 98 standard

  25. #50
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2013
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: عـــنــــدك قـــطــعــة ... مـــقـــال .. تبغى ترجمتها؟ come on

    بعض الناس يعتقدون ان السعادة في الجمال , لو كانت كذلك لكانت الطواويس والورد احرى منا بالسعادة واجدر منا بها
    وبعضهم يعتقد ان الثروة هي السعادة , لو كانت السعادة بالمال زالذهب والفضة لكانت الجبال والمناجم احرى بالسعادة منا فإن فيها الشيء الكثير من ذلك .

    ممكن تحولون هالنص لإنقلش ؟

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. الفزعه قبل الحد ابي ترجمتها
    بواسطة rainbow2006 في المنتدى منتدى تعليم اللغة الانجليزية
    مشاركات: 3
    آخر مشاركة: 24-09-2006, 04:37 AM
  2. حمل كتاب به 500 كلمة من الكلمات الأكثر شيوعاً في الإنجليزية مع ترجمتها بالعربي
    بواسطة الفاروق في المنتدى منتدى اللغة الأنجليزية العام
    مشاركات: 12
    آخر مشاركة: 17-03-2006, 11:03 AM


ضوابط المشاركة

  • لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
  • لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
  • لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
  • لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك