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الموضوع: critical thinking skills

  1. #1
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2006
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Sm121 critical thinking skills

    السلام عليكم
    اليوم مطلوب منا عمل تمارين للمنهج ثاني ثانوي بطريقة creative thinking
    like:orderig, details, recognition, classification, communication, connection, flexibility , comparsion ساعطي امثلة من تماريني و اتمنى تساعدوني على عمل تمارين لكل درس في الترم الأول

    English Language Class:2nd year . 2nd term

    U:2 L:4 ( communication )
    Topic :Grammar Activity: group work
    Classification Name:
    Mark the passive sentence with (x) and the active sentence with (√).
    1. Modern roads have been built. ( )
    2. Postal system has been developed. ( )
    3. Lana has lived in a privet room. ( )
    4. English courses have been taken. ( )
    5. Allen has mailed a letter. ( )
    6. The explanation has been repeated. ( )
    7. They have visited the dentist. ( )
    8. We have stayed long time in the airport. ( )

    English Language Class:2nd year . 2nd term
    U:2 L:4 ( communication )
    Topic :Grammar Activity: group work
    Recognition Name:
    Correct the verb.
    1. That college has been (enlarge) ………………………………………… ……..
    2. Letters have been (sort) by computerized machine. ………………………………………… ……..
    3. Vibrations have been (measure) by special instrument. ………………………………………… ……..
    4. Geological maps have been (take). ………………………………………… ……..
    5. Explosion has been (make). ………………………………………… ……..
    6. Oil has been (find) under the desert. ………………………………………… ……..
    7. Saudi's domestic network have been (link) with each others. ………………………………………… .
    8. A code system has been (introduce) in 1983. ………………………………………… ……..
    English Language Class:2nd year . 2nd term

    U: 2 L:5 ( communication )
    Topic: Grammar Activity: group work
    Recognition Name:
    Shorten the relative pronouns.
    1. ……….which included short lesson. ………………………………………… ……
    2. ……….which was unified in 1932. ………………………………………… ……
    3. ……….that is managed by SPE. ………………………………………… ……
    4. ……….that is compared with 80 million. ………………………………………… ……
    5. ……….which helps to speed delivery. ………………………………………… ……
    6. ……….who is studying in that class. ………………………………………… ……
    7. ……….which connected by electronic. ………………………………………… ……
    8. ……….that mailed by hand. ………………………………………… ……
    English Language Class:2nd year . 2nd term
    U: 6 L:5 ( HealthCare )
    Topic: Grammar Activity: group work
    Recognition Name:

    What does ( and ) connect :
    1-Lisa and Lana have breakfast .
    2- We stayed at home and watched TV.
    3- It's a nice house and it has got a garden .
    4- She speak loudly and clearly .
    5- I read a newspaper and magazine .

    English Language Class:2nd year . 2nd term
    U: 6 L:5 ( HealthCare )
    Topic: Grammar Activity: group work
    Connection Name:
    Match each sentence in Column A to a suitable connector and in Column B to form a compound sentence .
    Column A Column B
    1- David had an accident but she wants to be a writer .
    2-David was born without legs but David wanted to write in it .
    3- David could choose to ignore them or he could talk to the stranger .
    4-The diary was old or he could yell at them .
    5- David could remain quiet and his leg had to be amputated .

    English Language Class:2nd year . 2nd term
    U: 6 L:5 ( HealthCare )
    Topic: Grammar Activity: group work
    Connection Name:

    Correct the sentence :
    1- The hat is big for her too . The dress is big .
    2- Too I ate a lot of chocolate . I don't feel well .
    3- You are at home . You don't too go out .
    English Language Class:2nd year . 2nd term
    U: 6 L:5 ( HealthCare )
    Topic: Grammar Activity: group work
    Connection Name:

    Use (not , either ) in these sentence :
    1-Amal has not a bad disease . She has not been in hospital .
    ………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………

    2-These days driver can drive a lot kinds of cars and he can't dive another kind .
    ………………………………………… ………………………………………… ……………………………

    3-He didn't speak English . He didn't like vegetables .
    ………………………………………… ………………………………………… …………………………
    English Language Class:2nd year . 2nd term
    U: 6 L:5 ( HealthCare )
    Topic: Grammar Activity: group work
    Connection Name:

    Write sentences from the boxes and use and – but – or .

    I didn't have your number .
    Shall I wait here ?
    I didn't read it .
    I went by bus this morning .
    I watched television .
    I swam to the other side .
    I looked out .
    I stayed at home .
    I bought a newspaper .
    I wanted to phone you .
    I went to the window .
    I jumped into the river .
    I usually drive to work ..
    Do you want me to come with you ?

    1 –
    2 –
    3 –
    4 –
    5 –
    6 –
    7 –

  2. #2
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2009
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: critical thinking skills

    كيف مطلوب منكم انتي معلمة ؟؟؟
    الله يساعدك

  3. #3
    انجليزي جديد الصورة الرمزية الامال العظيمة
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Apr 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: critical thinking skills

    اتمنى تعرفينا اكثر عن الاستراتيجيه لان انت طبقتي كل جزء منها في درس ثاني من وحده غير مو المفروض نطبق الكل على نفس الدرس:orderig, details, recognition, classification, communication, connection, flexibility , comparsion ياليت تورينا درس متكامل علشان نقدر نطبق لان فكرتك بان نطبقها على دروس الترم الاول حلوه
    يمنع وضع اكثر من صورة او صور نسائية او صور ذات حجم كبير
    يمنع وضع روابط لمواقع ومنتديات أخرى
    يمنع وضع روابط الاغاني
    يمنع وضع البريد الالكتروني

  4. #4
    انجليزي خبير
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: critical thinking skills

    يا اختي اذا كان عندك مرجع لعمل مثل هذة التمارين ياليت تنزلينه لنا او تعطينا اسم المرجع
    على اساس نقراء منه ونفهم الفكرة مزبوط وبالتالي نطبق الفكرة على الدروس

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