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الموضوع: Tabula rasa in Robinson Crouse

  1. #1
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    Marsa42 Tabula rasa in Robinson Crouse

    السسلآم عليكم والرحمه ..
    طلبي بسيط إن شآلله ..!

    وانا طلعته بس محتآجه أضبطه شوي وأتأكد منه ..
    وهو عن الـ Tabula rasa in Robinson Crouse

    ببسآطه .. أبي أمثله من نفس الروآيه .. وكيف إن روبنسن تعلم أشيآء من غير محد يعلمه ..
    وكيف إن حآجته خلته يخترع ..:

    مثلآ إأنوو كيف بنى له بيت دآخل كهف ., وكيف صآر يسوي لنفسه أكل ؟؟
    إأنـآ أبي هالكلام بالانجليزي وبشكل مبسط جدآ ..

    يعني عـآدي أي حد يكون فآهم هالروآيه وقآريهآ ..
    يكتب لي كم مثآل يرمز لهآ الشي بالانجليزي بشكل وآضح وبسيط ..

    أكون شـآإكرره لكمـ ..
    ودعـوآإتي للقآئمين على هذآ المكآن ....

  2. #2
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Tabula rasa in Robinson Crouse


    Robinson Crusoe must overcome his fear in order to survive his long ordeal on the deserted island. The trial by fear begins when he runs about like a madman, scared of every shadow, and sleeps in a tree with a weapon: "fear banished all my religious hope, all that former confidence in God." He quickly realizes that he must recover his wits and reason if he is to survive.

    At several points in the narrative, Crusoe is almost overwhelmed by his fear of the unknown. It propels him to colonize the island, securing his shelter and becoming self-sufficient. His ability to funnel his fear into productivity and creativity allows him to survive under extreme conditions.

    Crusoe masters his fear when he faces the ultimate challenge — the devil. Investigating a cave, he is met by a pair of eyes. At first scared, he realizes that he can confront this enemy just like he has met every other challenge on the island. "He that was afraid to see the devil, was not fit to live twenty years in an island all alone."

    With that, he rushes in to confront the devil and discovers a dying goat. He has passed his trial. Had he not faced his fears, he would have run away in full belief that the devil lived in that cave. Instead, he investigates and confronts his fear.

    Human Condition

    Robinson Crusoe is a meditation on the human condition, and an argument for challenging traditional notions about that condition. Finding himself alone in a deserted island, Crusoe struggles to maintain reason, order, and civilization. His "original sin" is his rejection of a conventional life. When he leaves England for a life on the high seas, he refuses to be "satisfied with the station wherein God and Nature hath placed" him.

    Crusoe struggles with — and eventually triumphs over — nature. The book suggests that this struggle is at the heart of human nature: man is on earth to triumph and gain profit from nature. Any profit makes sense in this view of the world, whether that means getting just one plank out of a huge tree or building a boat too heavy to bring to the water. Once Crusoe is able to overcome his fear and subdue nature is rewarded handsomely.

    ثيمات حلوة و توضح لك المعنى اللي قصدتية

    روبنسون تخطى مخاوفة و كافح للعيش و كان متعلق بالامل في النجاة

    بناء الكوخ و طبخ الطعام كان ناتج عن هالامل :)


  3. #3
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Sep 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: Tabula rasa in Robinson Crouse

    ربي يووفقكـ ويسسهل عليك ..!
    تسسلم والله من قلب ..!
    خـآإألص دعـوآإأتي ..~

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. Robinson Crusoe ~ by Daniel Defoe ~ مغامرات روبنسون كروزو
    بواسطة الزهرة الخضراء في المنتدى Literature courses
    مشاركات: 61
    آخر مشاركة: 17-10-2013, 10:57 PM


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