السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته ..
مساءكم ورد جميعاً .. وأن شاء الله تكونون بخير وعافية
نخش على الموضوع دوغري .. عندي بكرا إختبار عن الفوكابلري
عن هذه القطعة .. وفيه بعض الكلمات أتمنى من الاخوان مساعدتي فيها
من خلال ترجمتها من الانقلش تو انقلش .. علماً بأن الكلمات المطلوبة ملوّنة باللون الاحمر

Road accidents cost Saudi $6bn a year
by Dylan Bowman on Sunday, 24 June 2007
Road accidents cost Saudi Arabia’s economy SR21 billion ($5.72 billion) a year and are one of the biggest problems facing the Kingdom, according to a leading Saudi researcher.

“More than 30,000 people are injured annually. About 6-7% of them become permanently handicapped. This means that every year about 2,000 become permanently handicapped and remain like that,” Naif Al-Shammary told Arab News on Sunday.

“According to conservative statistics, traffic accidents cause material losses worth SR21 billion, which is 4.7 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP)," he added.
Al-Shammary warned this figure would rise to SR55 billion ($14.98 billion) a year by 2020 if steps were not taken to reduce the number of accidents on Saudi’s roads.

Economic losses from accidents are double those of developed nations, according to Al-Shammary.

"We can imagine the great social impact of road accidents as they claim
lives of at least 4,000 people and cause injuries to 30,000 others every year," he said

He said the Kingdom currently does not have enough doctors or paramedics to deal with the soaring number of accidents, and urged for more investment to be made in the country’s ambulance service, the Saudi Red Crescent Society (SRCS).

He said the SRCS attends less than half of road accidents.

Saudi Arabia also lacks a national centre for traffic research, Al-Shammary said, adding that such a centre is critical

to understanding the problem and improving road safety across the Kingdom.

According to official figures, in 2006 around one person died every hour in Saudi Arabia as a result of road accidents.