
السلآم عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

Sarah, Plain and Tall

" You don't sing anymore," he said. He said it harshly . Not because he meant to , but because he had been thinking of , it for so long. 'Why?' he
asked more gently.

Slowly, Papa straightened up. There was a long silence, and the dogs
looked up, wondering at it.

' I've forgotten the old songs ''said Papa quietly. He sat down. " But
maybe there's a way to remember them ."How?" asked Caleb eagery .

Papa leaned back in the chair. " I've placed an advertisement in the newspapers. For help".

" You mean a housekeeper?" I asked, surprised.

Caleb and I looked at each other and burst out laughing , remembering Hilly , our housekeeper. She was round and slow and shuffling. She snored in high whistle at night, like a teakettle, and let the fire go out.

'No," said Papa slowly. " Not a housekeeper." He paused. "A wife "
Caleb stared at Papa. "A wife "? You mean a mother?"

Nick slid his face onto Papa's lap and Papa stroked his ears.
'That too ," maggie."
Matthew, our neighbor to the south, had written to ask for a wife and mother for his children. And maggie had come from tennessee. Her hair was the color of turnips and she laughed.

Papa reached into his pocket and unfolded a letter written on white paper.
'And I have received an answer."

هذي قطعة عندنا بـ الكتاب وجاي معاها أسئله بس للأسف
أنا مافهمت ولا حاجة في القطعة , أتمنى تساعدوني
في الأجابه على الأسئله ^^

Who are the people in the passage ?
What happened before this in the story ?
Why doesn't Papa remember the old songs ?
What is in Papa's letter?
What do you think will happen after this ?