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الموضوع: ابليز ليش مافي احد يساعدني ابليز

  1. #1
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    ابليز ليش مافي احد يساعدني ابليز

    الإعلانات التجارية

    سعودي انجلــش > منتديات المرحلة الجامعية > Translation
    ابليز الة يخليكم سعدوني يارب لاتكسفوني ياليت انكم ماتكسفوني
    أهلاً بك يا أمنة.
    آخر زيارة لك: اليوم 12:09 AM
    الرسائل الخاصة: الغير مقروءة 0 , الإجمالي 0.

    لوحة التحكم مركز رفع الملفات الأسئلة الشائعة التقويم المشاركات الجديدة البحث روابط سريعة خروج

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    أدوات الموضوع ابحث بهذا الموضوع تقييم الموضوع طريقة العرض

    اليوم, 12:07 AM رقم المشاركة : 1
    معلومات العضو
    انجليزي جديد

    إحصائية العضو

    ابليز الة يخليكم سعدوني يارب لاتكسفوني ياليت انكم ماتكسفوني


    ابي اعادة صياغة المقاطع بتر جمة بالانجايزي اسهل وابسط وبكلمات اسهل وابسط ياري اني ماطول عليكم يارب؟• This is a poem written in eight even stanzas of three lines each, followed by a single concluding line.
    • The poem describes a real event and then moves to reflect on human fate.
    • In stanzas one to five the poet describes the event, an explosion deep down n a coalmine, and the day on which it happened.
    • Larkin is detached, simply observing the day as he imagined it from the facts that he read in reports.
    • Larkin informs us immediately of the tragedy that was about to happen, with the title and its repetition in the first line. The miners are seen in a physical sense as ‘shadows pointing towards the pithead’. Larkin is impersonal. Yet his words predict a catastrophe. But Larkin is not personally involved in what happens to the men.
    • The sun was shining. The slagheap or mountain of coal dust merely slept, as if it could awake and do something horrible.
    • Stanza two describes the scene of mine workers arriving to start their day’s work. The men gradually broke the fresh morning’s silence with comments that soon grew into conversations. Larkin states their conversation contained curses, some of the men smoked pipes.
    • In the third stanza, Larkin describes one young miner who pursued rabbits and returned with a nest of lark’s eggs that he found and left in the grass after showing them to his mates.
    • In the fourth stanza Larkin offers random details of the scene of the workers arriving, their beards and the toughened material their mining clothes were made from. There are strong family connections between the men, with two generations of the males of many families employed in the mine. Many are known by nicknames and seem to enjoy each other’s sense of humour. They all enter the mine area through tall gates. These gates are ominous, with the suggestion of entering the gates of heaven or hell. They hint at the deaths to come, like the word ‘shadows’.
    • In the fifth stanza, Larkin refers to the man event, the explosion of the title. It happened at midday. First cows noticed a vibration in the ground and stopped grazing for a moment, though only a moment. The sun, slightly covered by a haze of summer heat, lost its bright shine. Perhaps the explosion created a dust haze that partly blocked out the sun. Larkin does not tell us directly about the underground explosion, but the title and how it is repeated in the first line, the use of language and the details of the church service and mourning in the second half of the poem make it easy for the reader to imagine what happened. Larkin avoids describing the violence or grief, the predictable aspects of the event.
    • The sixth, seventh and eighth stanzas skip to the church services held for the miners killed in the explosion. It is a quote from a prayer read at the various funerals. This is an attempt to comfort family members with a reference to heaven as ‘God’s house of comfort’. Larkin imagines the widows visualising their husbands, seeing them more intensely in their mind than they ever did during their lives together.
    • The wives saw their men like figureheads stamped on a gold coin or imagined them walking that sunny morning of the explosion towards them in the golden sunlight. Perhaps the wife of the young miner who chased the rabbits has a vision of him walking towards her with the nest of lark’s eggs.

    1. Death
    comes unexpectedly but does not destroy all life. Death came unexpectedly to the miners who went to work with their normal morning banter and curses. The energy of chasing after rabbits and the displaying of the nest of eggs point to the playful energy of young men. Yet unexpected tragedy ended these lives. However, in the eyes of their families, death marks the entry of the dead miners into ‘God’s house of comfort’. Death does not defeat the living or put a stop to the community. It does not bring despair. The vision of the eggs at the end of the poem shows that human beings can overcome the blow of death.
    2. Fate
    The poet reflects on the unexpected fate experienced by the miners. When he retells the story he places warnings of death into the story. He refers to ‘shadows’, a sleeping slagheap and ‘the tall gates’.
    3. Love and Beauty
    Despite death, grief or tragedy, beauty will always remain The images of eggs, the gentleness of a miner who preserves eggs, a lively young miner chasing rabbits, men walking from the sun towards their wives, the humour of miners all show that life has a positive side to counteract the grimness of death. The religious image of the dead passing on to ‘God’s house of comfort’ reinforces the idea that beauty triumphs over tragedy. The vision of the spirits of their men, golden in the sunlight, that the widows shared, suggests that love outlasts death. Community The poem depicts the sociable nature of the miners. They meet and talk as they walk to work at the mine in the late 1960’s. The workers are fathers and brothers, indicating a community of workers. The nicknames show the sense of familiarity that a community of workers share. The fact that the funeral shared the same text indicates such community. The poet refers to their wives sharing an optimistic, Christian vision of their deaths and this strengthens the view that they all belonged to a community.
    • Form The poem is an elegy written in honour of victims of a mining disaster.
    • Structure This poem contains eight even stanzas of three lines each, followed by a single concluding line. The single line at the end highlights the positive image and serves to emphasise the optimistic tone the poem ends on.
    • Language Much of the language appears conversational and casual. But there are hidden meanings throughout e.g. ‘shadows’, ‘slept’, ‘dimmed’ etc. Larkin uses understatement in the first line and in the fifth stanza. He is deliberately matter-of-fact about a tragic event for which he must feel strongly.

    • Imagery Larkin creates a realistic image of the miners as ordinary, straightforward, uneducated men who swear and smoke as they meet on the approach to the mine: ‘Coughing oath-edged talk and pipe-smoke’. He creates an image of them as tough, physical types ‘shouldering off the freshened silence’. There is a lot of nature imagery as well as some religious imagery in the poem. The final image of larks’ eggs unbroken by the explosion shows fragility, suggesting how fragile the men were to the forces that caused the explosion underground. The unbroken eggs may also be a symbol of hope in a religious sense. In another sense eggs point to new life: the community will survive through the children of the dead miners.
    • Metaphor The heat haze that blurred views of the sun is compared to a ‘scarf’.
    • Simile Images of husbands in wives’ heads are compared to portraits on gold coins to signify how precious these images or memories are.
    • Personification In referring to the slagheap as asleep, Larkin personifies it as a threatening presence, like a monster about to wake up and create havoc.
    • Contrast [difference] There is a contrast between the earthy swearing of the miners in stanza two and the splendour of the biblical picture of their souls from the prayer in stanza six.
    • Mood/Atmosphere The word ‘shadows’ and the image of ‘tall gates’ create a gloomy or threatening mood. The atmosphere in the fifth stanza is eerily understated: ‘tremor’ and ‘dimmed’. The mood at the end of the poem is optimistic due to the vision of continuity in the image of eggs.

    • Tone At first the tone is impersonal, factual. The men who died are merely ‘shadows’ pointing to the mine or ‘pit-head’. Yet the word ‘shadows’ is said with an ominous or menacing tone. The tone remains understated in the centre of the poem: ‘tremors’. But certain words like ‘shadows’, ‘dimmed’ etc create an undertone of warning. The tone of the final ten lines is ceremonial, well illustrated by the extract in stanza six from the funeral services. The tone of the final four lines is upbeat, with the vision of husbands in golden light, one carrying unbroken eggs.
    • Repetition The repeated images of eggs and the sun hint at the positive. Such repetitions as well as repetition of worlds like ‘came’, ‘face’ etc. add to the musical pattern also.
    • Rhyme There is no rhyming pattern and this reinforces the way the central event broke the pattern of normal life in the mining community

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    مواضيع مشابهة
    الموضوع الكاتب القسم الردود آخر مشاركة
    ابليز ابي احد يساعدني ضروري يارب لاتكسفوني ابليز أمنة منتدى الفصل الأول 2 21-12-2008 09:52 PM
    ابليز سعدوني بليزززز أمنة منتدى الفصل الأول 1 13-12-2008 12:45 AM
    سعدوني ضروري بليز أمنة منتدى الفصل الأول 1 28-11-2008 07:51 PM
    ابليز سعدوني بسرعة أمنة منتدى الفصل الأول 2 21-11-2008 05:40 PM
    تكفون سعدوني ابي اعرف كيف اشرح الدرس أمنة منتدى الأرشيف 0 13-11-2008 09:28 PM

    الساعة الآن +3.5: 03:29 PM.

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  2. #2
    انجليزي مشارك
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jun 2007
    Piece of Land
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ابليز ليش مافي احد يساعدني ابليز

    بصراحة النص طويييييييييييييييل جدددددددددا" كيف نقدر نشوف ونترجم بس لأنه عندك سهل ترجمته لأن كلماته سلسة وبسيطة والله يوفقك ياعسل

  3. #3
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2008
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ابليز ليش مافي احد يساعدني ابليز

    انا بصراحه مبتدئه بعد خمس سنوات بساعدك

    سوري بس والله مبتدئه

    الله يرزقك من يساعدك
    يمنع وضع اكثر من صورة او صور نسائية او صور ذات حجم كبير
    يمنع وضع روابط لمواقع ومنتديات أخرى
    يمنع وضع روابط الاغاني
    يمنع وضع البريد الالكتروني

  4. #4
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ابليز ليش مافي احد يساعدني ابليز

    الاخت الفاضله
    انشاء الله اني باقدر اساعدك بس النص مش واضح وانا درست القصيده دي من 15 سنه لكن اقدر الخصهالك المشكله الوحيده ان النص اللي انتي كاتباه ملخبط . المطلوب
    اعادة كتابتها على ملف ووردword وارسالها لى على بريدى الالكتروني (الرجاء عدم وضع البريد في المشاركات والرسائل الخاصة) وانشاء الله اني بارسل لك التلخيص او الترجمه على الفور

  5. #5
    انجليزي جديد
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2007
    معدل تقييم المستوى

    رد: ابليز ليش مافي احد يساعدني ابليز

    تم حذف البريد الاكتروني ومش عارف ليه مع انها مش جريمه عموما هو وبعدين @ وبعدين هوت ميل دوت كوم
    التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة سماهاي ; 12-02-2009 الساعة 08:37 PM

المواضيع المتشابهه

  1. اللي يساعدني الله يرزقه اللي يتمناه ياااااااارب << ابي احد يساعدني في الانجليزي
    بواسطة هنجوووووو في المنتدى منتدى تعليم اللغة الانجليزية
    مشاركات: 8
    آخر مشاركة: 22-11-2011, 07:19 PM


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